Upcoming Events

January 2021

1 New Year's Day- ULNRD Office Closed

14 Board Meeting- ULNRD Office @ 3pm CT

18 Martin Luther King Jr Day- ULNRD Office Closed


February 2021

11 Board Meeting- ULNRD Office @ 3 pm CT

15 President's Day- ULNRD Office Closed 


March 2021

11 Board Meeting-ULNRD Office @ 3 pm CT



Cost of Fabric: .43 cents / linear foot + tax or 3’x3’ square at $1.50 each + tax

The NRD's Weed Barrier Program is primarily used as long-lasting protection against weeds for seedling trees without constant effort and without damage to the seedlings or the environment. Weed barrier is available for installation on tree plantings either by the Upper Loup NRD tree crew or by landowners themselves. It is primarily used to reduce the competition of grass and weeds for seedling trees without damage to the seedlings or to the environment, but it also provides the trees with a moisture retention benefit. The weed barrier is a black polypropylene fabric with the appearance of tightly-woven burlap.

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