Upon request, Upper Loup NRD staff will make presentations for any school or community organization. The presentations can focus on water, wildlife, pollution, forestry, land treatment, or other conservation issues relating to the NRD's mission.
Classroom Activities:
- The Upper Loup NRD staff will make classroom presentations for any grade level. The presentations can focus on water, wildlife, forestry, land treatment, or other issues relating to the NRD's mission.
- A groundwater flow model is available for demonstrations. The model is a useful educational tool for visually describing groundwater and its importance. It simulates an aquifer and demonstrates groundwater quantity and quality issues
- Upper Loup NRD staff are certified WET & PLT facilitators and are available throughout the district to conduct workshops for teachers, 4-H leaders, camp counselors, students, and all others interested in furthering conservation education through children.
- For Arbor Day the Upper Loup NRD donates trees as well as holds a tree presentation for all 3rd and 4th grade classes throughout the district.
- The Upper Loup NRD holds gps / geocaching workshops with fourth grade students throughout the district.
- The Upper Loup NRD holds water quality (sampling / testing) workshops with high school students throughout the district.
Community Activities:
- The Upper Loup NRD staff will make presentations for any community organization. The presentations can focus on water, wildlife, pollution, forestry, land treatment, or other conservation issues relating to the NRD's mission.
- Upper Loup NRD staff are certified WET & PLT facilitators and are available throughout the district to conduct workshops for teachers, 4-H leaders, camp counselors, students, and all others interested in furthering conservation education through children.
- The Upper Loup NRD hosts annually both a hunter safety and boater safety course.
- The Upper Loup NRD plans on holding a "producer" information day in the near future. Several areas will be covered such as water quality, chemigation, no-till drill use, treating gophers, caring for newly planted trees etc.
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