NRD Director Filing Open for the 2018 Election
The 2018 election year is upon us!
NRDs are local government entities with broad responsibilities to protect our natural resources. Major Nebraska river basins form the NRD boundaries, enabling districts to respond best to local needs.
Under Nebraska state law, NRDs are charged with: erosion prevention and control, prevention of damages from flood water and sediment, flood prevention and control, soil conservation, water supply for any beneficial uses, development, management, utilization, and conservation of groundwater and surface water, pollution control, solid waste disposal and drainage, drainage improvement and channel rectification, development and management of fish and wildlife habitat, development and management of recreational and park facilities as well as forestry and range management.
Upper Loup NRD is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors. The district is divided into 5 sub-districts; two board members are elected from each sub-district, and one at-large member is elected. Candidates for sub-district board positions must reside in the sub-district for which they are elected; the at-large board member must reside within the boundaries of the ULNRD. Directors serve four-year terms, with half of the Board seats up for election every two years.
The ULNRD Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing operations, aiding in establishing District and conservation policies, voting on policies, and adopting the budget. The Board holds regularly scheduled monthly meetings on the second Thursday of every month at the NRD office in Thedford.
Citizens interested in serving on the Upper Loup Board of Directors must file with the Nebraska Secretary of State by the following dates: Incumbents February 15, 2018 and non-incumbents March 1, 2018.
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