Upper Loup NRD Director Filing Period Open
Natural Resource Districts (NRDs) have local leadership responsibility for protecting groundwater from overuse and pollution; soil conservation; planting trees and wildlife habitat; flood control; improving urban conservation; and recreation. Often, the NRD builds partnerships with other agencies and organizations, including the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, universities, municipalities, counties, and private organizations, in an effort to provide local control and local solutions to natural resources challenges.
The Upper Loup NRD is governed by an 11-member Board of Directors. The district is divided into 5 sub-districts; two board members are elected from each sub-district, and one at-large member is elected. Candidates for sub-district board positions must reside in the sub-district for which they are elected; the at-large board member must reside within the boundaries of the ULNRD. The Board of Directors will appoint an eligible person to fill any unexpired term. Directors serve four year terms, with half of the Board seats up for election every two years.
The filing period for the Primary Election for Incumbents is now through February 16, 2016. For Non-Incumbents, the filing period is now through March 1, 2016. To file, an individual is required to fill out a Nonpartisan Candidate Filing Form through the Secretary of State. Forms can be found online at www.sos.ne.gov/elec/candidateinfo.html and must be mailed to Lincoln. There is no filing fee. The Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission C-1 form is not needed. The ULNRD is a lower office, meaning that if you are already on a board you can also serve on the NRD board in addition.
The ULNRD Board of Directors is responsible for aiding in establishing District and conservation policies (NSWCP), rules and regulations, and adopting the necessary budget, in order to fulfill the responsibilities of the District as authorized and required by law. The day-to-day management as well as helping establish policies, programs, rules and regulations is the General Manager’s responsibility. Not only do the board members make decisions about conservation programs at the District level, they also bring a wealth of local judgment and experience when adapting state and national programs to local situations.
The Board holds regularly scheduled monthly meetings on the second Thursday of every month at the NRD office in Thedford. To read more information about the ULNRD, please visit our website at www.upperloupnrd.org. If you have any questions, please contact the ULNRD office at 308-645-2250.
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