No-till implementation will have positive impacts on soil health, water quality, net farm income, and quality of life.
· Soil Health· – Continuous no-till increases organic matter which improves infiltration, increases biological and microbial activity, and reduces compaction resulting in improved soil health.
· Water Quality· – Increased surface cover and infiltration rates reduce runoff contaminants in surface waters.
· Net Farm Income· - Reduced labor, fuel, and equipment needs to improve profitability.
The Upper Loup NRD has 2 no-till drills available for rent:
10ft Great Plains Minimum Till Drill - crop seed — $8.00/acre (plus tax)
10ft Great Plains Minimum Till Drill - flower seed — Minimum of $75.00 or 12.5 acres per rental
20ft HayBuster No Till Drill - crop seed — $12.00/acre (plus tax)
Rental rates are for the machine only, no tractor or operator.
Delivery Rates:
0-20 miles from office — $35.00
20-50 miles from office — $55.00
51-70 miles from office — $70.00
Over 70 miles from office-$90.00
Sales Tax is charged on the rental of all equipment.
No day charge for first day (24 hours). Each following day will be assessed a $15.00 day charge (weather dependent).
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