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11 Board Meeting-ULNRD Office @ 3 pm CT


Plantskydd® Deer Repellent is a proven, effective protection for garden plants and shrubs from deer, elk, moose, opossum, and rabbit.

Plantskydd Deer Repellent is considered one of the most cost-effective and environmentally safe animal repellent available. Plantskydd is accepted and used by leading forest companies, nurseries, private woodlot owners, landscapers, and home gardeners, as well as State/Provincial and National Conservation agencies.

Plantskydd Deer Repellent is made in the USA, and is a 100% natural, environmentally friendly product. Plantskydd Soluble Powder Concentrate is 'Listed' by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI - trw-9589). Plantskydd is member tested and recommended by the National Home Gardening Club.
Plantskydd Deer Repellent was initially developed in Sweden in 1991 in response to commercial forest plantations being decimated by plant eating mammals. The forest industry needed an animal repellent that could last through severe weather and meet Sweden's strict environmental laws. Plantskydd's long-term effectiveness is attributable to the tenacity of its 100% natural, vegetable oil binder in sticking to plants, even under severe snow/rainfall conditions: up to 6 months over winter, 3-4 months in summer. The Swedish name for the product "Plantskydd" translates as "Plant Protection".

Plantskydd Deer Repellent works by emitting an odor that animals associate with predator activity, repelling the animal before it nibbles on plants. Research has proven that odor-based repellents are more effective than other repellent systems where the animal needs to taste treated plants before being repelled. Once animals are attracted to an area and begin feeding, it is more difficult to discourage them from returning. Plantskydd stimulates a fear-based response which will have deer, elk, moose, opossum, and rabbits looking to dine somewhere other than your garden or plantation.

The Upper Loup NRD now carries Plantskydd products in various application forms.  We encourage you to give the product a try if you are experiencing a problem with deer and small rodents harming your trees and or garden.  If you have any questions check out their website at or call our office.

Product Description                                   Price(Includes Tax)

1 lb Shaker Can                                                $13.66

1 quart Pre-mixed RTU Spray Bottle                   $23.16

Recommended for deer

3 lb Shaker Bag/Jug                                          $28.43


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