Upcoming Events

January 2021

1 New Year's Day- ULNRD Office Closed

14 Board Meeting- ULNRD Office @ 3pm CT

18 Martin Luther King Jr Day- ULNRD Office Closed


February 2021

11 Board Meeting- ULNRD Office @ 3 pm CT

15 President's Day- ULNRD Office Closed 


March 2021

11 Board Meeting-ULNRD Office @ 3 pm CT

Small Acreage Tree Package


Trees provide important benefits such as protecting homes and livestock from wind and snow, helping to reduce heating and cooling costs, preventing soil erosion, increase crop yields, and providing wildlife habitat. Small acreage tree packages are available through the Upper Loup NRD at $60.00 plus tax. Cost-share is NOT available on these packages. To order contact the Upper Loup NRD 308-645-2250. For more information about the species of trees and shrubs listed, please visit Conservation Trees for Nebraska

West Package: (Contains 10 each of the following species)

Ponderosa Pine

Rocky Mountain Juniper


Nanking Cherry


East Package:
(Contains 10 each of the following species)

Austrian Pine

Ponderosa Pine

Swamp White Oak

Nanking Cherry

Cotoneaster, Centennial

Wildlife Package:
(Contains 10 each of the following species)

American Plum

Currant, Golden

Woods Rose

Nanking Cherry

McKenzie Chockeberry

Flowering Package:
(Contains 10 each of the following species)

Nanking Cherry

Dogwood, Gray


